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Do People RAVE About You And Your Property Business?

Property Pipeline Pro From Digital Cascade

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Whenever You Create Any Content, Write Any Marketing Copy Or Create An Ad... ALWAYS Think R.A.V.E. 

In his podcast, being our first, I wanted to look at a few simple marketing principles that will start you out on the right path. This information is based on my experience over the last 20 years dealing with many property professionals, but also business entrepreneurs from many different industries and sectors..

So today I want to ask you a simple question..

Do People R.A.V.E. About You And Your Property Business?

Now R.A.V.E. is an acronym I’ve used in my marketing training for years and it’s a really powerful point of reference to draw upon whenever you do anything in the marketing of your business.

R.A.V.E. stands for Reputation, Authority, Visibility and Engagement and I want you to write this down, because these 4 aspects of how you build your marketing model are essential.

And that’s what we’re going to be doing in this podcast, building a marketing model or system if you like, brick by brick so you can take some action every time you listen to the podcast, so today write down


R which stands for reputation.. You see people buy or buy into people with a good reputation, they do business with reputable people or organisations, so part of your marketing strategy should be reputation building and reputation management.


The A stands for Authority, and people listen to people in authority or have authority in a specific field or discipline.. The concepts of reputation and authority in marketing are deeply psychological, people are looking for solutions to problems, and when presented with a possible solution the first thing the brain does is say ‘can I trust this?’

The R.A.V.E. Principle

So if you have a motivated seller site up on line that is offering to buy property at speed, the site visitor will only stay on that site if they feel comfortable, if they feel they can trust the page, they know nothing of you, your business or even if you are genuine.

Now if they come to this site with some knowledge of your reputation, they have heard or read about you and how good your business is, the solutions you have offered others just like them, then you’ve already jumped that hurdle of mistrust and they will be on your site to take action.

If not then the look, feel and layout is incredibly important,, and I’m going to go through the anatomy of high converting landing pages in an upcoming podcast, so that’s why I say follow or subscribe so you don’t miss any of this information.

Reputation and authority should be thought about and laced through your marketing, whether that's the posts you put up, the ads you release, the landing pages or the websites you create or the talks you give. You should always be thinking of how to demonstrate your good reputation on the business and the authority you have.

We will come back to these important aspects of marketing in future podcasts.


Next is V and this is for visibility. Now this seems like an obvious one, but you’d be surprised at the amount of people who come to me wanting to market their business and are completely invisible to their target market audience, and I mean they haven't even tried…

So what does visibility actually mean?

Motivated Seller Website

Again take a note of these points

#1 - Target Market Audience: You obviously want to be visible to your target market audience. Again I’m going to go more in depth on identifying and selecting your target market audience in another podcast blog, but for now people may have one of the following problems:

So for instance, motivated sellers may have problems such as:

  • Stop House Repossession
  • Moving Abroad
  • Debt
  • Inherited Property
  • Probate Property
  • Divorce
  • Redundancy

Whatever it is, they have come to the conclusion they need to sell up and they need to do that fast.. You of course have the perfect solution to this person's problem. You may be in a position of being a cash buyer and looking for property in your area.

Visibility in this respect could be anything from word of mouth in your area, if you're known in your area for someone who can turnaround a property transaction fast, or it could be leaflets through doors right up to geo-targeted Facebook ads or google search ads..

All these methods of generating motivated seller leads need to go back to somewhere, this is usually a motivated seller website or landing page. This is where you can reinforce your reputation and authority. It’s a great place to have a couple of glowing testimonials.

You can also have social media sites such as a Facebook page, Instagram or even a YouTube channel showing case studies and happy clients. The clients in this case are people whose house you have purchased fast and solved their problems. 

Visibility Of Your Property Website

#2 - Fellow property investors: This is another target for visibility. Fellow property investors who see you as an authority in your niche, someone who does the business and helps people in difficult situations. These are the people who will provide visibility via word of mouth. If you go to property network meetings, and if you don’t you should.

You will talk with other investors that will speak with people in your area that need to sell.. You have to remember that not all property investors are in a position to buy fast, so encourage them to mention you.. You never know where that will lead, possible joint venture, a client for a sourced property, you get where I’m going with this. So again visibility with your peers is vital

And finally

#3 - Influencers: Influencers in the industry, so I’m looking at property speakers, property networking hosts, property training companies, in fact anyone who can recommend you to others who have a problem you can solve.

pin Meeting

Property Investors Network (pin) Meeting In Clapham

The last part of the RAVE acronym is the E which stands for engagement.. This really is a key element of this whole process. Engagement will be important throughout any marketing system

Social Media Engagement
Post the deals you are involved in, show excitement at helping people solve their problems, become the go to person in your field, niche, area or strategy.. And when people ask questions or comment, reply. 

Site Engagement
As a property investor you’ll probably have a website that gets deals, that’s a motivated seller site and another that is more property business focused and targeted at investors.

At some point you’re going to run out of money and will need to look at growing a list of prospect and active investors looking for deals that you can source, or people looking for projects to invest in.

Whatever the site, whatever the deals, the key to success is the engagement you have with those messaging you through your site. This can be helped with marketing automation, another subject I’ll cover in the podcast, but just making sure you fully engage with people on email, SMS, Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp is going to pay dividends.

And why? Because most of your competition stinks at this, so just make it part of your marketing mindset and look for ways to automate your responses and only personally reply when required.

Proactive Engagement
Once you get in the habit of reactive elements as I’ve just mentioned with social media and the engagement through your site, you should start to think about more proactive engagement such as YouTube videos, Podcasts, marketing videos, speaking events etc.

Taking a front foot on stimulating engagement through your business and giving people the option to get in contact with you takes a little longer than things like advertising, but builds stronger and deeper psychological bonding between you and prospective investor partners for instance.

So today, think about the concepts of RAVE Reputation, Authority, Visibility and Engagement and start to put all those elements in anything you do in your business.

Also think of the sort of things that would build or boost your reputation in your industry and start to put them together. I'm talking about contacting people for a testimonial, or doing a case study on a recent project.

How would it make you look to the outside world? I’m not talking about bragging, that’s never attractive. I’m talking about creating marketing materials such as PDF’s, Social Posts, copy for your websites and presentations that elevates your reputation and authority, increases your visibility and stimulates real engagement.

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